Thursday, October 12, 2017



We entered the world from courage and in courage.  It is the most important element of 

our being. Courage brings us to the heightened awareness of Life, that we can do what we 

desire in concert with our Soul.  The French word “coeur”, heart in English, is the derivation 

of the word and concept; courage. Courage is the energy of the heart.  It is the energy that 

explodes passion, meets the challenge and gets things done.  It is the energy of the Ego 

that follows the mysterious Divine Light, moving forward in correction of self, not backward in correction of others.

Reflection has its place and having the courage to see fault in self rather than in 

others is practicing True Courage. It devours that small ego of blame and excuse.

It takes courage to truly Love: love and acceptance of self, love of others when they are in 

darker places.  That is the easy part, it’s in the worlds religions.  But love of those who 

have achieved and are successful and contributing is the real challenge as we can 

compare, feel less, and look for excuses not to love; allow jealousy and the judgement of 

small information to limit our owned and yet to be experienced  contributions.  

The courage to love and accept, not adore others.  Adoration belongs to a higher place.  Loving 

is Knowing and we need Courage to keep our minds sharp and focused as our hearts lead 

the way.

Loving energy leads to Peace in the soul; our subconscious objective.  Courage is key to a 

loving, vibrant life of challenge, what we first felt from our initial infant breath and 

introduction to the marvelous mystery of new life.