Wisdom in words is easy. We all use them, post them on our social media sites to remind others and hopefully ourselves. It is action, though that creates change.
Amidst the words of wisdom, we find other words more in abundance of late and it seems growing still. I keep waiting for them to peak and then go away, but it is not happening. They are the dark words of scapegoating, blame, vitriol, cursing, and profanity. We are more connected now by electronics than by organics, meaning the Heart.
It is the mind that adopts darkness. Don't blame anything else. The Heart is incapable. When the mind allows group think and common gossip to overtake it, the Heart closes. When the Heart is allowed to be closed, it can no longer connect in the way that is natural for all human beings.
The point cannot be argued in any way that cruelty is not learned or advanced by the mind accepting information that instructs the ego to dismantle another soul. Look at any newborn and you have your answer. We were all born innocent and leaning out for love. (As the great Leonard Cohen put it).
The mind is warped by experiences of darkness it may not be equipped to handle.
We come into the world all with the same Heart and of Heart potential, but not of the same mind or mind potential.
If the world were ruled by the Heart and emotional intelligence were valued in a greater way and taught as a daily exercise by investigation, we would learn more easily as mind would be directed by Heart.
But the world is not that way. The mind and ego rule over all, though in some rare enclaves, the Heart is taught as superior. This is attempted and practiced in many religions as they teach, tolerance, charity in the true sense, and respect as part of their practice and dogma. Other institutions have studied whether this practice can evolve society, outside of religious institutions, as a way of practical living. They are discovering it works. The Heart-Math institute for one is immersed in this study.
But it is not new. Sages and the enlightened have pointed this way for centuries.
If we look at the simple evidence of the newborn, we can all find our own soul here.
If we look at Natural Law concepts, we find that there is a Divine message in coming from a Heart space of evolution. Cooperation works. Too soft or too brutal governance and resistance to change does not. Evolution finds that it is not so much intelligence in the modern way we think of it, that support survival, but adaptation to change. This tells us that the Heart is a constant, but it is the mind that must keep growing, evolving and changing with new knowledge.
It is also easy to be kind, nice and tolerant with little exertion. But the quality that moves humanity forward is Courage, a direct point of action guided by Heart. There are many in the former category and very few in the latter. It is our natural tendency to fit in. But look just quickly at history, all history; of battles, migration, invention, art and we see only the few that stood out, the Courageous.
It takes courage to think and come to a better conclusion, rather than to go along and get along.
If courage and Heart centered action falters to the place where we forget who and what we are at the soul level and if we come to adore our limited thinking, drowning in the blindness of ego, we will fail and we may perish as a species. It has happened in the past, but now we have the power for greater extermination, even absolutely so. It is the mind that can free us from ego by connection to Heart, but it is also the mind that can subjugate us to the ego prison forgetting its Divine invitation. Neither an Einstein, Jefferson, Darwin, Churchill, Tolstoy, Picasso, Jobs, Curie, Darrow, or a Carnagie would have achieved if they allowed limits. And none of these is Divine only, but with human frailties. It is best to remember that before we are tempted to highlight their faults over their contributions. That has always been an academic ego trap.
We have to think through the Heart to the mind for better solutions. And we must have faith that the answers are there and wanting to be discovered. Brave people know that, and have given us example. But who we learn from is in our individual choices.
Recent tragedies have demonstrated what a mangled mind is capable of. There are many examples of the past as well, but we are in the present and maybe can revisit and learn from the past. If the term now common in our language, "bully" used as a noun and a verb is explored, we might be able to learn just from that exploration of the mind. (An evil person with an agenda learned over years of programming and conditioning is not the subject here.) But a young mind that may be challenged and lost to the degree of acting out with extreme violence can be explored much more easily and maybe with a better result. The task of our schools is to educate and hopefully to teach one how to think, rather that what to think. Incorporating the Heart mind connection is maybe too much to expect in the corporate/government/industry way education is procured today. But as in any courageous act, it is the individual who has the opportunity to effect change. I cannot help but wonder, as many others have, if there was a kindness offered, an attempted intervention in a genuine way to one who felt lost and marginalized, if there may have been a different outcome. Authority interferes with this and the ego wants the credit. But the courage to know and to test kindness with authentic action is the challenge. Again, the challenge belongs to the individual and only the individual can choose Courage.
We live in a country where on paper, (our Constitution) liberty, respect for the individual, limited power of a government over our lives and the guidance of Natural Law (laws of Nature and of Nature's God-> you can substitute Truth or Divine if the word God bothers you<-) is our mandate.
It is unprecedented in human experience and it is exceptional, but it is up to each individual to work to live up to that challenge and expectation.
If we can own who we are and work to understand the Divine thread that guided us to this Knowing, maybe we can put it all together and create a more sustainable and livable society where all are respected and given the rights of the Heart. It is the Heart~mind connection that is the soul of the human experience and it is in each of us to know in a deeper way and to utilize those inner gifts to maximize our own experience and to share a better way to more humane solutions.
Lets not become a society more in love with the visual container and forget the much greater importance of what is within.
If Courage ever becomes more popular than cool we have more than a fighting chance.