Tuesday, May 16, 2023

A Small Reminder of Ancient Wisdom, History and Individualism

Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” was composed some twenty three centuries ago.  It is his most famous little parable and is often referred to by those wanting to give others a bit of a push to just help them test the limits of their thinking and belief systems.  The allegory fits today as we see the tribal nature of beliefs and norms becoming fixed and polarized in our culture.  The art of the discourse and stimulating and respectful discussion of ideas may never have been too popular given the homeostatic tendency of human nature, but now with social media dominating and permeating our environment, we are reduced to a sound bite and bumpersticker way of communicating.  The human race is known to repeat things they have not investigated but hear constantly. In this way cultures form around the untested rhetoric and what may be fiction can become accepted truth. But now, we as individuals have the freedom and technology to instantaneously test what is being amplified as fact.  And it is so often half truths that seduce the masses into believing what they may want to hear, ubiquitously hypnotizing the mind. The alternative being to escape the chatter and allow a freer mind to emerge.

Lack of curiosity is simply an unconscious laziness of the mind. We can and must escape from the easy fix of addiction to media, apps and unexamined chatter. It merely takes awareness and attention and if we are to continue as an advanced society, this is no longer a choice but a necessity for greater participation by a larger percentage of the population. Our natural tendency is that of curiosity and inquiry.  We can attest to this natural truth about humans because we see it in babies every time we look at them or interact with them. They are always investigating their world, always curious. We were all that way in our early development, but the culture of laziness increases and respect for excellence in all things wanes, society is now being accelerated downward for the benefit of the elite few only interested in control.  The cultural tendency is becoming increasingly robotic and dismissive of deeper discovery.  Just do what the prescribed narrative tells us.  Do not question, do not think. Allow gossip to dominate or distract. As Virgil warned Dante on his way up through the lower realms to learn to ignore the drama that has no pertinence to the assent, we are warned too. This technology that has the ability to free us,  has more often than not, the opposite effect. Addiction to Apps and social media drama can dominate and take advantage of our UNconsciousness.  Group think is likely more common than it ever was.  And now, we have AI pushing the human race further into a robotic existence as we may be robotically accepting the loss of being fully human.

In the time of Plato, life was difficult for many and just surviving the power structure and challenges of getting through the day occupied most of the minds of the populace.  Today, we have so many ways to occupy our minds, and time, to learn more and figure out ways to succeed and also, to understand those things we may think do not affect our lives.  But most tend to stay in the cave watching the shadows Plato spoke of dancing around the walls and thinking they are real.  Even when an inquisitive explorer ventures out and realizes what else may be offered in the world outside and brings the news back, the denizens within don’t believe it.  It is too fantastic, too outside the tribal safety and directive. Living in the safe zone and adhering to what is assumed to be true with no interest in testing it or questioning seriously is what eventually brings one to stifling boredom.  It is so much easier to follow along and be accepted into the “norm”.  The herd mentality may be a stronger  survival skill than realized.  But is survive rather than thrive worth the lack of effort needed to test courage?  The three Greek princes of philosophy, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle knew this and presented their arguments in ancient times, but it has not quite caught on or been received as the true gift they bequeathed us.

With the power of knowledge at our finger tips today though, no longer is the a cave an analogy, but an open field surrounded by an invisible fence where one can easily look and see beyond the field, to what may be, but the mind lazily or fearfully never breaches that fence.  What keeps us then from entering beyond the field into what is more stimulating and enlivening?  Is it fear then that controls the mind?  What is the opposite of fear?  It is conscious action which is merely another word for courage. Another word bandied about often today in the chatty narrative that is so pervasive. It is this courage that is the energy we have at our disposal to challenge our fears and take on the will to charge it into action. Will in action is courage while fear is paralytic and the opposite of conscious action. Fear only offers short term benefits of assumed safety while the energy of the conscious action within offers something so much more. Testing and challenging limits and norms, despite the opportunity for failure and even going solo for a while creates an awareness of self and multitudes of better selves creates a better world.  History shows that a few courageous leaders did change the world.  To live by assumed safety, desiring only to fit in, robs one of the true life challenge so few are willing to take up. Thankfully those few did and left many examples for us to consider and aspire to. Just the act of considering that you may have more talent than you thought possible is a courageous first step and opens an otherwise homeostatic mind. Maybe the idea of thinking and looking outward and upward is just to much of a stretch for some, but for those willing to be challenged the rewards are many.  Freedom of thought is valued in cultures where it is NOT allowed to be expressed, and sadly, in the rare instances where it is custom, it is taken for granted.  Taking something for granted, blindly puts one in a place where it is assumed it can never be lost.  As we watch the world today, instead of despairing or thinking all is well and we can never go so far backwards as to lose the freedom of inquiry and the spoken word, consider that history has lessons and taking hard fought battles for granted may be a colossal mistake.

The special techniques I have developed and taught through hypnotherapy are offered to those therapists, counselors and psychologists who work independently.  These techniques can free your clients toward greater success and increase your success as a professional in the field.  When a client is uplifted to a place of empowerment, others notice and your practice can benefit greatly through referrals.  Breaking out of homeostasis is a benefit to anybody.  Life is meant to be a challenge and there are many examples of those who would take the courageous and conscious road toward a better knowledge of self.  Is that not why we are human, to challenge the limits of our mind?  The joy of life is in discovery. A population of more conscious and courageous citizens creates a world and culture ready for the challenges of the emerging modern age. We need leaders more now than ever.   The call to action is waiting and available.
