Tuesday, October 6, 2020



2020 has been a year like no other for most of us alive today.  Dominated by division, fear, misinformation and hyperbole, it is wise to take a step back,  take a breather and consider what have been found to be useful facts for the up coming flu season.  The likelihood that the fall of 2020 and the winter of 2021 will be a challenging flu season may be an understatement.

COVID-19 is still with us as we approach 2021 and through a shut down, was treated like no other disease in history.  When we ignore what we know about Nature, problems are sure to follow.  Viruses, though individually  unique, all share the same characteristics.  Unlike  a bacterium with nucleus, cell wall, cytoplasm, etc that can survive on its own, viruses are unique strands of DNA/Rna that require a host, are 20 to 50 times smaller than a bacterium, do not live long on surfaces and disappear when herd immunity finally is spread throughout most of the population and the virus is no longer able to find a host to multiply and spread. 

The inevitable flu season will be accompanied by COVID-19 and rather than ignore that or become filled with fear, proper and useful precautions can be taken to strengthen the immune system as well as the prescribed actions and protocols most are adhering to.  Though we know, the COVID-19 is highly contagious, we also know it’s mortal and severe outcome victims fall into a highly narrow category and its morbid victims can have symptoms that range from very mild to quite severe.  The flu though targets just about every body and may be complicated by the effects of this COVID.

So with the double whammy coming along in the very near future, it is wise to accept what might be the inevitable and prepare in the best way possible.

  1. Strengthen your immune system using all or a combination of anti virals and immune boosters:   

~Vitamin C, long know to guard against the common cold, a corona virus.

~Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin” has been shown that those with low levels of this vitamin are more susceptible  to COVID-19. Aside from taking the supplement, you can boost your vitamin D by just exposing your skin to outdoor sunshine for as little as 15 minutes a day.

~Turmeric, a natural anti inflammatory agent

~ Olive leaf, Astragalus, Miatake, Ginsing, a group of proven anti virals you can learn about through visiting a Naturopath or Homeopathic doctor

~Zinc lowers inflammation, can reduce symptoms and shorten duration time for a better outcome from colds and flu and is now used in the treatment of COVID-19.

~Melatonin for stress relief and restful and restorative sleep.

~Garlic, Ginger and  a diet heavily consisting of seasonal fruits and vegetables

2) Of course maintain social distancing and wear a mask when appropriate.  Masks are a mitigating factor rather than an assurance of protection.  Remember how small the virus is. It can only be seen with an electron microscope and the fibers of any mask are could be penetrated by the virus under particular circumstances.  Wear it indoors when in crowded places and outdoors only when close to others for a sustained period. The mysterious genetic component of we as individuals also surely plays a role as to who contracts the virus and who does not when all are in similar circumstances.  When walking outdoors and not around others, take off the mask and breathe the free air.  The lungs need fresh circulating air and taking walks in Nature whenever possible, not only promotes health of the body, but also of the mind and spirit.  It is always important to keep heart and mind open and elevated in any situation.

3) Prepare your mind and grow your awareness of healthy living for body, mind and spirit. Live your life with realistic, but positive outlook not allowing fear from sources not qualified to comment on issues of health and science to penetrate your mind.  Sound advise from qualified doctors, who see patients, can offer the best information on this virus. Be very careful about conflicting information that requires a sober discussion rather than hyperbolic poorly informed rants.

The body is programmed to heal itself.  This is easy to forget when we run too quickly to medications and doctors without first considering personal responsibility for our own health. We must always be co-partners in health with our medical  professionals. 

On a personal note, I am a licensed medical laboratory technician with a specialty in microbiology and still engaged after leaving the profession, earned a science degree, am an ongoing personal development and  certified motivational coach/hypnotherapist for over 25 years,  AND beat an strange muscle virus that ran throughout my body with the help of a Naturopathic doctor and homeopathic and naturopathic remedies.  I always trust in the Divine nature of this glorious and complicated masterpiece we call the human body and it has served me very well.  A life long learner, I trust in the courage and curiosity of investigation rather than in blindly accepting the standards.

Life is an adventure if you choose it to be. Choosing well with courage, we know there are always risks. There is no need to fear when your heart and  mind are open wide to reality and learning.  Your journey will be more exciting and rewarding than you can imagine.

To your health, body, mind, soul and spirit.


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